Gewinnspiel: Komm mit uns zur GopherConEU 2021

Erinnerst Du dich an unseren Post vergangene Woche zur GopherCon EU? Wir wollen, dass Du mitkommst! Und wir suchen Verstärkung für unser Team! Deswegen verlosen wir ein Ticket: Unter allen Bewerbenden verlosen wir ein Ticket zur GopherCon EU! Wir verlosen ein (1) Konferenzticket – genauer ein (1) volles Konferenz-Ticket zur GopherCon Europe (online, 26. - 28. Mai 2021) , das jedoch keinen Pre-Conference Workshop beinhaltet – unter allen eingehenden Bewerbungen bis 15. [Mehr]

Couch ≠ Tenerife, join us for GopherCon Europe 2021

Home is not Tenerife, but we will still be there! #GopherConEU back for year 4 of #golang On May 26-28, 2021 Live from the comfort of your own computer #CouchConference We especially like that GopherConEU has such a diverse lineup of great speakers again this year. … And we are secretly proud that we (see e.g. Geek Space 9 on Twitter) share the unicorn with this year’s GopherCon design. Unicorns rule! [Mehr]

Developer Event (March 19th): Kaveh Shahbazian – using Go language notations effectively

Developer Event (March 19th): Kaveh Shahbazian – using Go language notations effectively
Date: Monday, March 19th at 18:30 Location: IT:Agenten GmbH Office | Blutenburgstr. 43 | 80636 München We are very proud that our friend from Iran takes the time to talk about Go (Lang) during his short visit in Munich. He is a very enterprising go evangelist and will give a talk on: Using Go language notations effectively creating abstractions Why we abstract the data – a brief overview of notational tools in programming languages that help Examples of translating code from C#/F# to Go, emphasizing translating from LINQ and . [Mehr]
event  go  meetup