GNU make – an oldie but goldie (Part I)

GNU make – an oldie but goldie (Part I)
As far as build systems are concerned, this article will not present anything particularly new – instead, we will focus on some piece of software that one might even considered “done”. “Done” in the sense that it is essentially bug-free and feature-complete. How many software products do you know (apart from TeX) that can be considered this way? With a plethora of “new”, “modern” or just plain “fancy” build systems, GNU Make is the old veteran of them all. [Mehr]

The ELK-Stack Experience

The ELK-Stack Experience
Lately, here at IT:Agenten we were faced with a webserver configured to log multiple domains to one logfile, which jumbled analytics and rendered all usage information (page views and unique visitors) unusable. Since these numbers were really important, we had to dig in and analyze the data “by hand”. Sounds like a good opportunity to get to know this praised piece called the ELK-stack, i.e. the combination of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana — although we didn’t need Kibana in this case… [Mehr]

Tool of the Week: git-crypt

Tool of the Week: git-crypt
Ever wanted to commit sensitive data to a git repository in an encrypted way and didn’t know how? Use git-crypt and selectively add whitelisted users who are allowed to look at the unencrypted file’s contents, while keeping the file encrypted for everybody else. In this quick demo I will play through a simple workflow to show you the basics of working with git-crypt. (Please note there might be typesetting issues with this version of wordpress, especially with < All pieces like cat < < DOC should not carry spaces in between the first < and <DOC and should rather be classic heredocs. [Mehr]

Testing und Test-driven Development

Software-Entwicklung im Team ist ein sehr dynamischer Prozess. Wenn mehrere Personen gleichzeitig an einem Projekt arbeiten, kann sich die Gestalt des Projekts bereits innerhalb eines Tages extrem verändern. In der Regel wird die zu erledigende Arbeit in sehr viele kleine Einheiten eingeteilt, welche dann von den Entwicklern abgearbeitet werden. Nicht selten ist es dabei notwendig, beispielsweise Code zu ändern, der von einem anderen Team-Mitglied geschrieben wurde, weil dieser Code sehr alt ist oder aus einem anderen Grund “fremd” ist. [Mehr]

IT:Agenten Tool of the Week: httpie

When working with remote APIs on the commandline, httpie, the well-designed commandline API client is pure bliss. For those that haven’t heard of or just didn’t know yet about httpie, this post should open your eyes to the beauty of what this little library is and its outstanding usefulness (for instance, quick-and-dirty testing your API during development)! As an example we will talk to the remote API of our in-house redmine instance. [Mehr]